1. Why is finding supersymmetric particles an important task for physicists to undertake?
2. What do you believe is the most accurate model of supersymmetry proposed today?
3. What are the implications for the Cold Dark Matter search if supersymmetry is found not to exist?
4. How might scientists go about disproving supersymmetry if there is no empirical evidence found?
5. How might scientists go about narrowing down proposed supersymmetric models?
6. How might scientists go about narrowing down supersymmetric dark matter models?
7. What do you believe is the next step we must take in our efforts to locate supersymmetric particles?
8. If a spontaneously broken supersymmetry does not solve the problem of the vacuum energy all the way, what are the implications?
9. In what way, if any, can the problem of the vacuum energy be resolved without supersymmetry?
10. If supersymmetry is discovered, what are the implications for string theory?
11. Is it necessary for us to narrow down the number of superstring theories? If so, how can we do it?
12. How can theoretical physicists avoid being "not even wrong" about supersymmetry?
13. If supersymmetric particles are self interacting, how will this change our search for them as dark matter?
14. How to you believe an experiment solely dedicated to looking for supersymmetric particles would be received by scientists and donors?
15. If another, lighter Higgs Boson is found, what are the implications for supersymmetry?
16. What theories, if any, do you believe can explain the Hierarchy Problem in place of supersymmetry?
17. Can string theory be complete without supersymmetry? Why or why not?
18. Do you believe superstring theory is the "best" theory of quantum gravity? Why? If not, what other theories do you believe are better?
19. What, if anything, does the quantum vacuum say about dark energy?
20. What is wrong with very heavy sparticles?
No need to worry about the end of the universe, for those who saw the article. Supersymmetry will save us! Maybe...
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