Sunday, September 30, 2012

Blog 6: Second Interview

I will be asking questions along these lines-

How did you find your "niche" in theoretical physics?
Why did you choose to be a theorist instead of an experimentalist?
How does the theory department at Caltech work? Are you split up by discipline-do you only work with the particle physicists? Do you only take on grads and postdocs?
What is your favorite project you are working on right now? Any ones from the past you are particularly proud of?
What sorts of projects have you worked on with the rest of the Caltech theory department?
Does all your work or the work of the department have to be taken to Switzerland* to be tested? If so, do you find it frustrating that the United States has not developed a similar project?
How is working at Caltech different than working at another research institution?

*Large Hadron Collider in Geneva. Currently there is nothing comparable-the United States shut down its particle accelerator, Tevatron, last year due to budget cuts. I fear that science in America is on a very steep decline.

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